
We bring you fresh news about WordPress trends, releases and features.

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Adapt and Innovate: Paco Marchante’s Journey with the WordPress Plugins Team

Developer analyst Paco Marchante has been focused on WordPress since 2017. Based in Sevilla, Spain, Paco has been actively contributing to various local WordPress communities in S…


Nadia Maya Ardiani

May 21, 2024

This Month in WordPress: August Roundup
This Month in WordPress: August Roundup

The last month of summer was productive for both the WordPress community and Hostinger.  We saw some exciting updates – a new WordPress version, an additional feature in H…

Michelle Frechette: From an Active Volunteer to a Diversity Advocate
Michelle Frechette: From an Active Volunteer to a Diversity Advocate

A Director of Community Engagement at StellarWP, a Podcaster in WP Coffee Talk and Audacity Marketing, a Director of Community Relations at Post Status, and a frequent organizer a…

Hostinger Is Coming to WordCamp US 2023
Hostinger Is Coming to WordCamp US 2023

Let’s end the summer with a bang and meet at WordCamp US. This flagship WordCamp for the North American region will take place in National Harbor, Maryland, from the 24th to 26th …

WordPress 6.3 Update: A Detailed Overview
WordPress 6.3 Update: A Detailed Overview

WordPress 6.3 "Lionel" is finally released as the second major update of the year.  This release merges 10 Gutenberg versions into WordPress core, bringing features like s…

This Month in WordPress: July Roundup
This Month in WordPress: July Roundup

As the first WordPress 6.3 beta arrived in June, July was all about fixing bugs, delivering developer notes, and finalizing release candidates. Plus, there were updates about the …

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Fostering Community Spirit Through Knowledge Sharing
Birgit Pauli-Haack: Fostering Community Spirit Through Knowledge Sharing

If you ask someone in the WordPress community what’s the best place to learn about the Block Editor, they will probably suggest the Gutenberg Times. The site presents a dose of ne…

WordPress 6.3: What’s Coming In the Next Major Update
WordPress 6.3: What’s Coming In the Next Major Update

The development of WordPress 6.3 is in full swing – the beta version is undergoing rigorous testing, and the Release Candidate is anticipated later this month. WordPress 6.3 intro…

This Month in WordPress: June Roundup
This Month in WordPress: June Roundup

June was an exciting month for the WordPress community. WordCamp Europe was successfully hosted in Athens, Greece, and the first beta version of WordPress 6.3, the upcoming major …

WordCamp Europe 2023 Roundup: Making WordPress History in the Historic Athens
WordCamp Europe 2023 Roundup: Making WordPress History in the Historic Athens

Our team just returned from WordCamp Europe 2023, which took place in Athens, Greece, from 8 to 10 June 2023. 2,545 people from 94 countries attended the event – proof of WordPres…

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