Progressive JPEG images: What Is It and How It Can Improve Website Performance

A progressive JPEG image is encoded differently than a standard or baseline JPEG image. It loads in successive waves until a clear picture is formed....

How to Upload Your Website (in 6 Easy Steps)

Creating your own website will help boost your online presence, expand your customer base, and increase your conversion rate. However, it’ll be...

How to Add a Favicon to Your Website

Most websites usually use their logo as a favicon. If your website doesn’t have a logo, you can create one with free logo makers. This way, your...

WordPress vs HTML: Which is Better for Your Website

WordPress and HTML are the two most common camps of website creators. If you never coded before, the concept of creating a website from scratch using...

What Is a Website Backup and How to Do It

Website backups are essential for every website owner. Whether to prevent data breaches, technical issues, or human errors, a dependable backup system...

Parallelize Downloads Across Hostnames: How to Fix This Issue in WordPress

Most website speed test tools show the “parallelize downloads across hostnames” warning if it finds potential connection issues on your...

What Is Website Uptime and How to Monitor Website Availability

Website uptime measures your website’s operational performance. Since it reflects your web accessibility and functionality, website uptime...

Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which One Is for You

So, you’ve decided to start a site – after buying a domain name you need to find a hosting provider that can supply you with server space....

How to Make a Website Mobile-Friendly: 16 Proven Tips

Having a mobile-friendly website is a must for all website owners. This is because 56% of website traffic comes from mobile usage, indicating that...