Email Header: What Is It + Examples

Becoming familiar with email headers helps with launching email campaigns and checking the authentication results before clicking on links in a...

How to Forward an Email Easily in 2024

Email forwarding is the action of re-sending an email to one or multiple recipients. It’s one of the most useful features for ensuring a steady flow...

Thunderbird Email Setup: Automatic and Manual Methods

Using a mail client such as Mozilla Thunderbird is an excellent solution to easily manage multiple email accounts. Thunderbird is an open-source email...

How to Set Up Email on iPhone in 2024: Adding Another Email Account to the Mail App

Adding your email to the iPhone’s Mail app keeps you connected and organized.  It’s convenient for managing emails anywhere,...

How to Use Google SMTP Server

If you have a Gmail account or Google business email account (Workspace), you might want to use its free SMTP service. Aside from using your...

IMAP vs POP3: A comprehensive guide to email protocols

Choosing the right email protocol impacts how you access, manage, and store your emails. While Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is used for...

How to Check if Port 587 Is Open in 2024

SMTP port 587 helps with email delivery optimization. Unlike traditional email submissions through port 25 or 465, port 587 establishes more secure...

What Is a DKIM Record? Everything You Need To Know

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an authentication method used to prevent email spoofing. It increases email security by allowing the receiver...

How to Create an Email Account for Professional Use and Set Up a Mail Client

Creating an email account for your business makes communicating with clients easier.  A professional email address with your company’s name...