41 AI Statistics and Trends in 2024

41 AI Statistics and Trends in 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed various aspects of our lives, offering unprecedented advancements in technology, from deep learning tools to new product creation and task automation. As we enter 2024, AI continues to expand its influence, becoming a fundamental component of our daily lives.

To summarize AI’s milestones so far, we have compiled a list of the top 41 AI statistics and trends for this year. This list will focus on key developments, such as AI’s growing role in various industries and the ethical implications of its broader adoption.

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Top 10 AI Stats You Should Know for 2024

  1. The global AI market is expected to grow annually by 37%.
  2. From 2024 to 2030, the AI market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 28.46%.
  3. The AI market size is estimated to reach $305.9 billion by the end of 2024.
  4. AI is estimated to create 133 million new jobs by 2030.
  5. By 2030, AI is projected to contribute over $15.7 trillion to the global economy.
  6. Approximately 25% of companies have implemented AI to tackle labor shortages.
  7. Countries with the highest AI adaptation are China and India.
  8. Global AI startup funding reached $20 billion in February 2024.
  9. The generative AI market is projected to hit $1.3 trillion by 2032.
  10. Approximately 75% of individuals are concerned about job loss due to AI.

General Artificial Intelligence Statistics

In this section, we’ll reveal the scope and impact of AI technology and offer insights that can guide both business strategies and individual career paths.

1. The Global AI Market Size Is Expected to Grow 37% Every Year From 2024 to 2030

Artificial Intelligence market size

With an expected CAGR of 37.7%, it’s clear that the AI market is growing exponentially, signaling artificial technology’s increasing importance across all industries.

Businesses can use AI solutions to gain a competitive edge. Individuals, on the other hand, can benefit from acquiring AI-related skills, such as data analytics and machine learning.

2. The AI Market Size to Reach $305.9 Billion by the End of 2024

This estimated AI growth promises a remarkable increase from the $207 billion reported in 2023, reflecting a year-over-year growth rate of approximately 47.7%. 

The surge is fueled by escalating investments in AI technologies and broader applications across various business industries.

3. Over 40% Of Business Leaders Report Increased Productivity Through AI Automation

AI usage in automation helps with repetitive tasks, letting you focus on more complex and creative assignments.

For business leaders, adopting AI-driven automation leads to immediate gains in productivity. For employees, understanding how to work alongside AI tools can make you an indispensable asset to your organization.

4. Artificial Intelligence Is Expected to Create 133 Million New Jobs by 2030

Specialized AI and big data roles are set to grow by 30-35% due to their vital role in AI solution development. The roles include data science, machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

5. AI Will Contribute Over $15.7 Trillion to the Global Economy by 2030

AI has the potential to revolutionize global economic productivity and GDP, with local economies expected to experience a 26% GDP growth by 2030. AI-driven automation will increase labor productivity and lead to significant economic gains.

6. Interest in AI Website Builders Has Grown 50% in Previous 12 Months

AI assistants have become increasingly popular in web design practices. From streamlining the development process to producing unique, SEO-friendly content, AI website builders have made web development available for everyone. 

For example, Hostinger Website Builder is an AI platform that enables you to create a high-quality website in a few minutes.

Growth of AI Adoption

Top businesses invest in AI adoption to enhance efficiency, solve complex problems, and improve customer experience. Let’s go over artificial intelligence statistics that demonstrate the speed and scope of this global AI adoption rate.

7. Robotic Process Automation Has an Adaptation Rate of 39%

Global AI Adoption Rate

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) leads with a notable adoption rate of 39%, highlighting AI’s crucial role in automation. This is followed by computer vision at 34% and natural language text understanding at 33%.

8. Deployed AI Adoption Is Over 40% in China and India

China and India have the highest AI adoption rates, with nearly 60% of IT professionals in these countries reporting that their organizations actively use AI. They are followed by South Korea, Australia, and the U.S., where the adoption rates are 22%, 24%, and 25%, respectively.

9. Approximately 25% Of Companies Have Adopted AI to Address Labor Shortages

On top of that, more than a third of all companies (35%) use AI in their business. The primary driver of adoption was accessibility, which made AI easier to implement across the organization. At the same time, companies are also looking to AI to help increase task automation and reduce costs.

10. Nearly 47% of AI Adoption Cases Focus On Automating IT Processes

The significant adoption rate highlights the increasing dependence on AI to streamline IT operations, boost efficiency, and minimize manual efforts in system management.

AI Investment and Funding

AI attracts significant financial investments, with substantial capital flowing into startups and projects. Understanding the investment landscape is crucial for stakeholders, entrepreneurs, and professionals.

The following top artificial intelligence statistics reveal vital trends and hotspots in AI funding.

11. Global AI Funding Reached $20 Billion in February 2024

Global AI funding by stage through February 2024

The total AI funding globally reached $20 billion by February of this year, demonstrating significant growth in investments compared to previous years. 

12. The Top Countries for AI Investment Are the United States and China

AI is projected to increase China’s GDP by 26.1% by 2030, while North America could see a 14.5% GDP boost. Together, these gains are expected to contribute approximately $10.7 trillion to the global economy, accounting for almost 70% of AI’s worldwide economic impact. 

13. Baidu Holds the Most AI Patents Worldwide

Along with Tencent, another major Chinese company, Baidu is among the top five patent holders globally. As of the latest data, these companies are part of a broader trend where significant technology firms are heavily investing in AI, with the number of AI patents continually growing.

14. ASAPP Unveiled as the Top-Funded Conversational AI Startup, Raising $380 Million

Leading AI chatbot startup by funding

This significant investment underlines its leadership in the rapidly growing chatbot market, where AI-driven communication tools are vital for enhancing customer interactions efficiently. 

The ASAPP investment is also crucial in the chatbot market, projected to reach $1.25 billion by 2025, as per Statista’s report.

15. OpenAI Dominates Machine Learning Funding With $11 Billion in 2024

OpenAI secured a remarkable $11 billion in machine learning funding, vastly outpacing its competitors, where the next closest company received just over $600 million.

This substantial investment could also advance the performance of ChatGPT and DALL-E in language processing and digital imagery, respectively.

AI Job Market Trends

With AI’s increasing integration into businesses, the demand for AI-skilled professionals is rising. Check out key AI stats showing the growing demand and its impact on jobs and skills.

16. AI and Big Data Skills Are The Top Priorities in Company Training Strategies

AI and Big Data skills take center stage in corporate training strategies, ranking as the third overall priority for training until 2027. For companies with over 50,000 employees, these skills are the number one training focus.

In regions like the United States, China, Brazil, and Indonesia, over 40% of technology training programs will focus on AI and Big Data.

17. Over 75% Fear Job Loss From AI

Additionally, 44% are very concerned, and 33% are somewhat concerned. The concerns about job loss highlight the importance of reskilling programs, job transition support, and education to assist workers in adapting to changing job markets.

18. The Average Salary for AI Professionals Is $128,000

Salaries for AI professionals

AI professionals typically earn a high salary, reflecting their specialized skills and the strong demand in the field. While the average salary across top positions is around $128,000, individual earnings can vary based on factors like experience and location. 

19. By 2030, 30% Of Work Hours Across the U.S. Economy Could Be Automated With AI

Thanks to AI implementation, more time and effort can be dedicated to creative and strategic tasks. Often, these tasks require more human input, resulting in a better allocation of business resources.

20. AI Has the Potential to Boost Workforce Productivity and Industry Growth

Impact of AI on industry growth

AI’s impact on workforce productivity and industry growth is significant and varied, with potential increases ranging from 11% in Spain to 37% in Sweden. Across 16 industries, AI could boost economic growth rates by a weighted average of 1.7% by 2035.

AI in Automation

AI has transformed numerous industries by enhancing processes, elevating customer experience, and offering predictive insights. Discover key facts about artificial intelligence, showcasing its present and future role in automation.

21. Healthcare, Finance, and Manufacturing Sectors Have the Biggest AI Market Share

Global AI technologies market share

For businesses in these sectors, AI gives them a competitive edge and helps them meet regulatory requirements more efficiently. For those considering a career shift or specialization, these sectors present promising opportunities for AI-related roles.

22. U.S. Companies Dominate When It Comes to Industrial Automation With AI

The dominance of American companies in industrial AI automation indicates the country’s innovation ecosystem and supportive policies. These companies include Apple, Google, IBM, and Microsoft. 

23. Self-Driving Cars Are Expected to Make Up 10% of the Global Car Fleet by 2030

This shift is expected to generate a substantial economic impact, with projected revenues ranging from $300 billion to $400 billion. Tesla is a significant player in this transformative automotive trend, driving forward the integration of self-driving technology in the global market.

Natural Language Processing Advancements

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a technology that enables computers to understand, interpret, and use human language.

As AI progresses, we witness more use cases – from AI voice assistants to smart speakers and text analysis. The AI stats ahead reveal the vast impact of this cutting-edge tech.

24. The NLP Market Is Expected to Be Worth Over $40 Billion in 2025

This projected growth of the NLP market illustrates its increasing integration into various industries, from the retail sector to healthcare. For businesses, this is an opportunity to invest in NLP technologies to gain a competitive edge in their field.

25. NLP-Driven Smart Speaker Market Forecasted to Surpass $15.6 Billion

AI voice assistants like Siri and Alexa have become household names for NLP technologies. The market value indicates consumer acceptance and reliance on these devices for tasks ranging from setting reminders to home automation.

For developers and entrepreneurs, this suggests an expanding arena for NLP applications beyond basic voice commands.

26. There Are Over 1800 NLP Companies in the World

Startups and public software companies develop NLP for projects like business tools, data analytics, and AI telecommunications.

Numerous companies in NLP development create a diverse, competitive landscape, providing varied options for business owners seeking specialized NLP solutions.

27. NLP Is One of the Most In-Demand Skills in the Job Market

AI knowledge is a significant advantage when looking for a new job. The high demand for NLP skills reflects its widespread application across industries.

For professionals, this demand means an immediate opportunity to upskill, making them more marketable and versatile in a rapidly evolving job market and global workforce.

Generative Artificial Intelligence Advancements

Generative AI (GenAI), a new subsector, is making waves in marketing. It not only assists with customer tasks but also delves into the creative side of marketing.

The following statistics highlight the growth and impact of generative AI.

28. The Generative AI Market is Expected to Reach 1.3 Trillion by 2032

Generative AI market growth

Growth may reach 42% CAGR, propelled by training infrastructure in the short term and transitioning to inference devices for large language models, digital ads, specialized software, and services in the medium to long term.

29. Over 95% Of Executives Agree That Generative AI Will Revolutionize Where and How AI Is Used

Generative AI represents a breakthrough in how you can apply the technology, extending its use beyond simple data analytics to new data generation and simulations. For business strategy, 44% of business leaders plan to modernize data in 2024 to leverage GenAI better.

30. Generative AI Drives Significant Impact in CustomerOps, Marketing, Engineering, and R&D

Examples include generative AI’s ability to support interactions with customers, develop creative content for marketing and sales, and generate computer code from natural-language prompts.

31. Generative AI Boosts CustomerOps Productivity

Some notable use cases include personalized customer support, automated responses, and real-time problem-solving, which collectively contribute to a more efficient and satisfying customer service environment. 

32. Generative AI Dominates US Marketing and Advertising

Generative AI adoption rate in the workplace

The technology sector follows closely behind marketing and advertising at 35%, with consulting at 30%. Generative AI in marketing and advertising is mainly used to create images and text, improving creative processes and content creation.

Regulation, AI Ethics, and Bias

AI’s challenges and risks point light to the necessity for ethical considerations and regulatory oversight. 

As issues like bias in AI algorithms and underrepresentation in research arise, the importance of ethical AI development grows. Let’s discuss some interesting facts that highlight these AI issues.

33. Over 60% of Americans Fear Bias and Potential Discrimination in AI-Assisted Hiring Processes

The public perception in the U.S. shows that AI ethics is a mainstream issue. To begin with, people are afraid that AI technology might be biased. For policymakers and companies, this signals solid backing for AI regulation and guidelines ensuring equitable AI practices.

34. UNESCO Establishes AI Ethics With a Global Standard for Responsible AI

Central to these guidelines is the importance of human oversight over AI systems to ensure that they adhere to core values such as fairness, transparency, and accountability.

These standards help foster AI development that respects human rights and promotes social well-being, underscoring the critical need for ethical considerations in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

35. Women Solely Publish Only 11% Of Global AI Research

The limited diversity in AI research can reinforce biases and restrict the technology’s usefulness. Academia and the tech industry should take this statistic as a reminder to create more inclusive environments. This can result in AI solutions that are fairer and more effective.

Future of AI Technology

In the next five years, the business world expects to see an even bigger shift towards a more defined AI strategy.

Looking ahead, businesses and professionals must ready themselves for a future where AI takes on a more crucial role. The following AI statistics highlight upcoming trends.

36. The Artificial Intelligence Industry Is Expected to Be Worth $826.70 Billion by 2030

AI industry growth by 2030

Over the next six years, the market is projected to grow at an annual rate of 28.46%, culminating in a value of $826.70 billion by 2030. This rapid growth underscores the increasing integration and reliance on AI technologies across various sectors globally.

37. AI and Digital Access Fuel Job Growth in Over 65% Of Surveyed Businesses

Adopting AI is more likely to fuel job growth rather than eliminate jobs in the current economic landscape. Over 65% of businesses expect AI integration to boost job creation and economic development, with only around 7% predicting a labor market shrinkage from AI advancements.

38. Around 75% of Businesses Will Embrace eCommerce and Digital Trade

Technologies like big data, cloud computing, and AI are anticipated to see high adoption rates due to their potential to enhance digital business operations.

Additionally, a significant 86% of surveyed companies plan to integrate digital platforms and apps into their operations over the next five years.

39. AI’s Rise Drives On-The-Job Training for Employees

50% of companies surveyed intend to invest in on-the-job and internal training departments for AI adoption.

As a result, companies are investing in upskilling their workforce. For individuals, this presents an opportunity to engage in lifelong learning, enhancing their employability and career prospects in an AI-driven world.

40. AI Tools Expected to Reach Over 700 Million Users by 2030 

AI tools are reshaping content creation, enhancing productivity, and simplifying workflows. They assist with tasks like article writing by suggesting edits, sparking new ideas, and even crafting full articles from basic prompts.

This increased reliance on AI underscores a significant step in AI’s integration into our everyday digital tasks.

41. Data Management Is The AI Infrastructure Bottleneck

This statistic highlights the critical need for organizations to refine their data management strategies to capitalize on AI’s potential fully. Improving data quality, accessibility, and security is crucial for businesses looking to utilize AI and foster innovation effectively.


  1. Grand View Research
  2. Statista
  3. McKinsey
  4. World Economic Forum
  5. PwC
  6. CB Insights
  7. Statista
  8. IBM
  9. IBM
  10. Statista
  11. Statista
  12. PwC
  13. Statista
  14. Statista
  15. Statista
  16. World Economic Forum
  17. Forbes
  18. Coursera
  19. McKinsey
  20. Statista
  21. Statista
  22. GlobalData
  23. McKinsey
  24. Statista
  25. Statista
  26. Crunchbase
  27. Upwork
  28. Bloomberg
  29. PwC
  30. McKinsey
  31. McKinsey
  32. Statista
  33. Pew Research Center
  34. UNESCO
  35. OECD
  36. Grand View Research
  37. World Economic Forum
  38. World Economic Forum
  39. World Economic Forum
  40. Statista
  41. WEKA


Artificial intelligence is significantly reshaping industries, as shown by its 37% annual growth rate. This emphasizes the need for businesses to implement AI to streamline their operations.

Key AI technologies like generative AI, machine learning, and natural language processing across various sectors are driving innovations. 

Notably, AI is expected to create 133 million new jobs, underscoring the necessity for professionals to adapt and grow with these rapid technological advances. 

AI Statistics FAQ

Find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about artificial intelligence statistics and trends below.

What Percentage of Businesses Are Currently Using AI?

As of 2024, approximately 35% of global companies are using AI in their business operations. Furthermore, about 42% of companies are exploring possibilities for AI adoption in the near future.

What Is the Forecast for AI Investment in 2025?

The forecast for AI investment in 2025 expects it to hit $200 billion worldwide. This initial investment is crucial for setting up AI technologies and achieving major changes.

What Challenges Does AI Face in 2024?

Data privacy in AI is the biggest challenge the technology faces. Besides that, users complain about bias, privacy and security concerns, interpretability, and overall technology regulation.

Which Country Is Leading in AI?

The United States leads in AI research, according to Macro Polo, with almost 60% of top-tier AI researchers working for American universities and companies. Mirae Assets estimates that private funding has reached $249 billion to date.

How Many Jobs Will AI Replace by 2030?

AI is expected to replace 300 million full-time jobs worldwide. Despite this, it’s also predicted to generate new job prospects. Jobs demanding high emotional intelligence or intricate decision-making are less prone to automation.

What Percentage of Consumers Interact With AI in Their Daily Routine?

The context-aware processing market is currently thriving. It is projected to hit $5.3 billion globally by 2024. According to Servion Global Solutions, AI is expected to drive 95% of customer interactions by 2025 – that’s 19 out of 20 interactions.

The author

Matleena Salminen

Matleena is a seasoned Content Writer with 5 years of content marketing experience. She has a particular interest in emerging digital marketing trends, website building, and AI. In her free time, Matleena enjoys cups of good coffee, tends to her balcony garden, and studies Japanese. Follow her on LinkedIn

The Co-author

Nurul Siregar

Nurul Siregar has over 3+ years of experience in the tech industry with a passion for writing about digital marketing. Nurul enjoys reading fiction novels and making digital illustration in her free time. Follow her on LinkedIn.