The 30 Best Website Color Schemes to Make Your Website More Compelling

Choosing the right color scheme is important when building a website. Other than representing your brand, a nice color scheme can make visitors stay...

A Complete Guide to Website Localization

Nowadays, learning how to create a website is a relatively simple process. However, if you want to grow your business and tap into new markets,...

HTTPS Port: Understanding What It Is and How to Use It

A port number is a communication endpoint from which data transmissions are sent or received. Many different ports are available for various usages,...

How to Build a Web Developer Portfolio in 2024

A stand-out portfolio website is essential for landing a job as a web developer. However, creating one isn’t easy, even for experienced web...

URI vs URL: Differences and When to Use Them

Even though in some cases a uniform resource identifier (URI) and a uniform resource locator (URL) can be used interchangeably, they are not the same....

How to Sell a Domain Name and Make Profit in 7 Steps

Perhaps you purchased a domain name for your website but have no time to maintain it, leaving the domain unused. Or maybe your current domain name is...

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): What It Is and 11 Ways to Improve It 

Understanding Core Web Vitals helps ensure your website can offer the best user experience. They consist of multiple metrics representing how users...

What Does .io Mean: When to Use It, Pros and Cons, and More

Finding the right name and top-level domain (TLD) is essential when creating a website. However, the process may seem daunting since there are over...

FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name): What It Is, Examples, and More

A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is a part of the uniform resource locator (URL). As the name suggests, it is the full name of an entity in the...