
Member since Jan 2018




Gustavo B.

Gustavo es un apasionado por la creación de sitios web. Se enfoca en la aplicación de estrategias SEO en Hostinger para España y Latinoamérica, así como la creación de contenidos de alto nivel. Cuando no está aplicando nuevos trucos en WordPress lo puedes encontrar tocando la guitarra, viajando o tomando un curso online.

WordCamp Sevilla: Meeting the Spanish WordPress Community

We are honored to sponsor WordCamp Sevilla as part of our commitment to the WordPress community. If you know anything about websites, you probably have heard about WordPress. M…

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Be-Mag: Reinventing the wheel, one spin at a time
Be-Mag: Reinventing the wheel, one spin at a time

Be-Mag is a rollerblading magazine founded in 1996 – one of the longest-running media companies in its niche. What started as a humble email newsletter evolved into a printed maga…

Trusted by 3 million clients 
Trusted by 3 million clients 

Hostinger's client base has surpassed 3 million, and the number of managed domains has reached 5 million. According to Daugirdas Jankus, CEO of Hostinger, one key factor behind th…

Reaching your peak: Lessons of building our performance management system for the self-motivated
Reaching your peak: Lessons of building our performance management system for the self-motivated

Hostinger has been recognized as one of Europe’s fastest-growing companies for five years in a row. In 2023, our revenue grew by 57% despite a 17% decrease in headcount. One of th…

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