Say Cheese! The WordPress Photo Directory Gives You Access to a World of Images

Say Cheese! The WordPress Photo Directory Gives You Access to a World of Images

WordPress has answered our prayers by launching a free-to-use photo directory. Just what we need for our WordPress sites.

It’s a directory of photography we can dip in and out of whenever we want. It’s the perfect place to find generic imagery for our websites. 

What’s the best thing about WordPress’ photo directory? It’s fully integrated with your WordPress backend, allowing you to drop in photos quickly and easily without using an external source.

All Photos Are Free to Use

The photos in the directory are all CC0 ‘no rights reserved’ photos. That means you can freely use them without worrying about the fear of copyright infringement. No attribution is required for the photos – one less thing to worry about when building your website.

It’s a community – just like WordPress. Anyone can submit photos to the directory, and the open-source spirit of WordPress lives on through the directory.

How Can I Access the Photo Directory?

That’s easy! Simply head here and begin searching for great photos for your website.

The author

Tom T.

Tom is a creative copywriter and passionate blogger. He loves running and curry in equal measure.