What Does Customer Loyalty Mean to Hostinger?

In the context of business, customer loyalty is defined as a company’s ability to retain customers and compel them to maintain a relationship with it. The phrase “customer loyalty” is usually accompanied by analytics reports and metrics that try to decipher people’s buying habits and tendencies and apply the necessary tactics and strategies to capitalize on them. At Hostinger, “customer loyalty” has an entirely different meaning.
Customer Obsession at Hostinger
It all begins with the customer. One of the core Hostinger values is Customer Obsession. The driving force behind all our products, services, campaigns, and interactions is the goal of helping people come one step closer to their online success. We never view customers as numbers, and we never try to quantify success in figures. Our philosophy is that aiming to help people as passionately and informatively as possible is the only way to do business – and the numbers will take care of themselves.
Early on in the company’s journey, we became aware of the evolution of the customer loyalty concept. What ensued was a conscious decision to build a Customer Success team equipped with the right skills and mindset to serve customers in a way that they’ve never experienced before. We wanted to create an environment in which people are safe to seek answers. We wanted to make it easy for customers to reach out for help and even easier to get it.
While Customer Success is the main team that deals with customers directly, a lot more goes into this. From the data team that analyzes market tendencies and preferences and product owners that create services according to customer surveys to web developers interviewing customers regarding UX, there are a lot of people working silently behind the scenes. Their common goal is to make products and services that customers want to use.
Our teams incorporate customer feedback into their daily operations. Our work involves constant, relentless fine-tuning, polishing what we have built based on what people want and need.
The Relation Between a Customer and a Brand
Gone are the days when customer loyalty was something you had to achieve by enticing people with reward schemes, free giveaways, and heavy marketing strategies. Now, customers have the luxury of choice and are more informed than at any point in history. They know what they’re looking for and, more importantly, can tell when they don’t get what they signed up for. Customers do not stand behind products but behind brands. The relationship between a customer and a brand is more profound than an exchange of money for a service – it’s about trust.
We live in an era when people evaluate brands the same way they evaluate other people they let into their lives. Customers expect open communication, care, attentiveness, appreciation, and longevity. They are no longer impressed by flashy gifts in the early stages of the relationship. Instead, they look for consistency and a brand they can rely on in the long run. At Hostinger, we understand that the only way to achieve customer loyalty is by proving we are loyal to them and prioritizing customer needs in every business goal.
Building Trust and Giving a Timely Solution
We never treated customer loyalty as a separate project, something we had to worry about outside of the reason we built this company in the first place. People will always return to places and companies they have found comfort, solutions, and positivity in. We firmly believe that if we offer the most affordable, highest quality, best performing, and cheapest website hosting people can get, they will have a reason to return.
Loyalty is built over time. It is not given – it’s earned. It describes how you treat people in times of distress, crisis, and frustration. We’ve never believed in winning people over by sending them discount codes – that’s why we aim to guide them through times of uncertainty and trouble. We help customers rank better on search engines, help them protect their websites, set up an SSL certificate, choose the right hosting plan for their needs, and build a fast, efficient website that stands out. Loyalty is the bond of trust you build during email or chat exchanges; it’s the feeling of relief you get when you receive a timely solution to a problem that might have ruined your day.
And just because theory means nothing without real-life applications, let’s look at some examples that can help you contextualize the ideas presented in this article.
Nothing says success more than someone willing to recommend your services to a friend. This is not a popular metric. This is proof of a true connection between company and customer. This is evidence of a personal approach, understanding, honesty, and empathy.
Giving customers exactly what they ask for is amazing! Do you know what’s even better? Giving them more, simply because you want to see them succeed. This chat exchange is a perfect example of how our team member exceeded expectations and pointed the customer in a direction that can help them immensely. The chat could’ve ended with the customer’s problem resolved and their questions answered. But, no – we went the extra mile.
Our understanding of customers and appreciation for what they do has taught us that giving more never goes to waste. Give without expecting back – give as you’d give to a friend, a loved one. People appreciate honesty, attention, and a genuine desire to help.